mission is to bring together people who share an interest in Italian
culture. One need not be of Italian heritage to join our organization,
only a love for its culture is necessary.The membership spans from native-born Italians to first and second-generation Italian Americans, to people of other ethnic backgrounds who simply love art, opera etc., as well as have traveled through Italy and have learned to love and appreciate its natural beauty and culture. ICS has approximately 500 members and yet we are able to retain the intimacy and socialization characteristic of Italians, as we share, enjoy and learn more about the Italian way of life. We come from all walks of life, from all professions, from different states, even from neighboring Canada. ICS membership is offered on an annual basis from July 1st to June 30th which coincides with the organization's fiscal year. Membership dues are not prorated. Effective with the 2024 – 2025 membership renewal period ICS is pleased to announce the introduction of discounted membership and event program offerings. We will offer three distinct types of memberships: GOLD, SILVER, and BRONZE. The distinction between these options and previous offerings is that members will be selecting and purchasing memberships rather than a portfolio of event tickets. Each membership carries an associated discounted price and ticket offering. MEMBERSHIP LEVELS |